Wednesday, December 24, 2014
Saturday, December 20, 2014
Tuesday, December 09, 2014
Saturday, December 06, 2014
Sunday, November 30, 2014
Friday, November 28, 2014
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Sunday, November 16, 2014
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Saturday, November 08, 2014
Saturday, October 11, 2014
Saturday, October 04, 2014
La Vie En Rose
This morning I picked up this photo out of the blue, I got idle on watching the pink, the bubbles and the shadow. Couldn't express a word for how I should say...., this chaotic city, a dreamy paradise, a solitude contemplating. I was hoping for a smile out of the fighting and the quarrel.
This afternoon I got to know the smile I would be missing is yours. In you, I wouldn't have ever found any anger. From you, I couldn't have ever felt anything hostile. With you, we always feel a gentle warm smile. Elegant as you speak. Wise as you think. Kind as you treat.
4th day of the 10th month, the angels of pink bubbles take you away from the soil of grief. Ain't no a shadow black on you. Ain't no a pain in your soul. Ain't no a weight on your toes. Fly with your fragrant roses.....
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Thursday, July 17, 2014
七月九日, 炎炎日照台北市, 有一個公聽會, 上千數百位資深作者, 儘管天氣有多熱, 也蓋不了他們的怒氣. 擠進這公聽會. 為的是捍衛他們的產業在電子綱絡世界巳完全摧毀至邊緣下一點委屈的尊嚴 - 著作權! 這群作者的怒吼及他們的陳述, 令人感慨良多, 每每想起, 氣湧心頭. 俳佪在智能世界自我單向沉抑的恐懼, 難以與週遭的人舒發對智能世界某些恐懼, 一些不對的事情正正是大多數人在做, 原來可以捏曲成對時, 只好繼續單向沉抑. 然而這天台北天空太陽高照, 耀眼炫目, 灼喚那沉抑的情懷,喜悅這裡有這些聲音,可笑的是香港,還有那些世界英雄大國對這七月九日在台北市發生的這一切,隻字不提 - 諸位亞洲卓越出色的作者(如方文山-周杰倫的顆伴填詞人,陳樂融 - 80/90年代台灣多產創作人等)在綱絡世界裡被那大多數人認定的對下再被踐踏反撲的怒吼! 這是什麼樣的傳媒 - 選擇性的言論自由,雙重標準的國度,可笑的智能世界 - 原來還是文明倒退的自我陶醉。 我們常笑著某些國家對婦女強暴視作等閒,倘若有一天剩下你一個人,而在身旁的數百人認定強暴是對的,你會怎樣⋯⋯
Sunday, May 11, 2014
Sunday, February 23, 2014
Cannes going silent, Southern France
18 years ago when I first came here, even when it was at night, it was still very crowded. Considering a town with 1km long and 200 meter wide with 40,000 visitors, that was the golden era. This year, it dropped to 5,000 visitors. On the last photo, that's Carrefour I often visit for some Evian and fresh fruits.
Thursday, February 06, 2014
A few hours of sun out of a week of rain and wind, Southern France
The first 6 photos were taken on the only sunny afternoon during my stay in Cannes. Later on it became so rainy and windy that it had been really chilling cold. The whole European continent has been having some rough weather. My umbrella has been with me all the time and it almost got broken.
Monday, January 27, 2014
Dim Sum Bar, 點一龍, Harbour City, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon
This place is located next to the cinema of Harbour City and very close to China HK City. Out of curiosity that it's run by Cafe Deco Group, I came here for a try, but all the food are not so impressive. Besides, it's a much too overpriced. The soup is about HK$48 (only a small bowl). The dim sum is about HK$30-48. That told why the shop wasn't crowded.