Friday, July 04, 2008

China House, Oriental Bangkok #3

1st: cotton fish in rose vinegar - the fish was somehow not deep fried enough.  This kind of fish should have been deep fried until the meat gets crispy.  The sauce is very nice, not too sweet or sour.

2nd: Lamp chop in cumin.  I don't like cumin actually but somehow need to try and see how they make it.  For me this one is ok, not to my surprise.

3rd: veggie with fried dried fish.  This one is not to my surprise either as the dried fish should have the "burnt" aroma, but this one didn't.

4th: this e-fu noodle with dried fish.  The dried fish didn't have the aroma either for this dish; so a bit not perfect and the sauce is a bit too much.  Supposed this dish in Chinese should read as "dry fry noodle".  For someone who likes more juicy, it would be nice.

5th: the rice is nice and in a good texture but one flaw - it's not hot enough and yet in such a cold Thai style container.


  1. Is the cotton fish same thing as "wood cotton fish" people like to eat at street stall in HK?

  2. I am not sure if it's popular for the HK street stall, but I don't think so. It's quite common to deep fried it and then braise it with sweet soy sauce. "Bamboo root", "Shell" Fish. Actually I don't know the exact English term of this fish.

  3. this cotton fish is actually the more common named Sand Goby, quite popular in HK and usually deep-fried the fish then pour hot oil and soy sauce on it
