Friday, August 15, 2008

Do you know?

OK, now this time another guessing game. However, this one is for the Chinese speaking people. We are now talking about some Chinese words inspired by other habits or languages. So here are:

1. 你究竟玩什麼"花臣"? So do you know where this word 花臣 comes from?
2. 我想食"蛇果"。Wow, the first time I know this word, I was thinking if the snake likes it or there will be a snake coming from this apple. Then do you know why it's called "snake apple"?

OK, I will post more later...


  1. this time i think google not that helpful, but grandma can help, maybe ask the fruit bible as well

    i think u better think of a series of hints as soon people will ask for more hints obvious hints definite hints coz they don't like to start his/her csi engine

  2. So easy!

    我諗 "花臣’是由英文字 fashion 翻譯而來的。Fashion 代表時裝,新穎,潮流,創新,前衛。當問人做緊什麽奇怪東西,亦係指一些創意及新穎的搞作,所以會用 "花臣’二字,來指奇怪搞作。

    美國生產一種蘋果,底部有5粒"的"個種,因為特別好味,英文叫做"delicious (好味) apple",按英文發音照譯 "地哩蛇果",講講吓簡稱就叫做 "蛇果"喇,其實不是所有蘋果都可以叫做 " 蛇果",係果一隻品種才可以叫。 所以, 同亞當,夏娃係無關係的。

  3. To Anonymous 4:15 am,
    You answer is so quick and thorough. Yes you did answer the 2nd one(delicious apple) for me but I did not know about the 1st one though.
    To Sea,
    More more more guessing game. In fact, this kind of game we LA people have some disadvantage because of our time difference. But it is ok as life is not fair, Also, we don't like to win all the times.
    I like this kind of guessing game, regardless if we need to use logic or not.

  4. Wow, faster than my log in time to check this one. I agree to the same as anonymous said. In the sea, you may need to have some questions which is not easier to find in internet or do some research.


  5. ok ok google cannot help, but, yahoo hk search can

    good job anonymous

  6. Yes, I should have thought about the power of internet. For "Snake Apple", it can be even more detailed. If any of you can still recall, those "delicious" apple package box is printed with "Washington Delicious Apple". So normally it should be referred to that type of apple. I came across some other apple with the "five tips" but it's from other places.

    I think it had better for us to raise this quiz on something other than checking up the words... :)

  7. Don't under estimate the power of search engine, FBI and CIA also google, that's why now MS concern for, and so desperately want to buy Yahoo, merged with MSN, to fight Google, for ads revenue of course.


  8. It is more fun for those guessing game that googles, Yahoo, MSN or MSG, etc cannot help. I prefer the guessing games that only use human brain and logic but no other tools. I am sure Man, William, Fish Burger and all other smart people feel the same. With anything that you can get the answer from Google or Yahoo, it is only a "research" project instead.

  9. then at that time pls don't bug us for more and more unnecessary hints

  10. I second your opinion Thailand Club.. :)
