Sunday, November 16, 2008

perrier - Thai version

Think this will be one of my regular choices to get at Starbucks.


  1. Starbucks has this Perrier?
    How much does it cost?
    Any close down of Starbucks at BKK?

  2. Yes, it has but I'm not sure if every Starbucks has it since I am not a fan of Starbucks. I think it is around B65.

  3. One of my friend, a fanatic Coke drinker, collects Coca-Cola bottles from different parts of the world where the brand Coke is labeled in different writings and languages. It is interesting to know Perrier have this as well. I am sure many other famous brands are doing it but Coke I think is the most collected.

  4. I do find out there are quite many drink products are with a Thai version, but the taste is a bit local - sweeter than the original.
