Tuesday, May 12, 2009

H1N1, seems to be far, but yet so close

When in Taiwan from 30th April to 4th May, the Taiwanese media massively reported Hong Kong is collapsed when one H1N1 case with a Mexican patient was affirmed. Then this hotel Metropark Wanchai was closed for complete isolation but then claimed the HK Gov't was too over-reacted by the Western countries. So for the past week, the no. of H1N1 has been on a double growth in the States and even spreading in Japan and Thailand from travellers from the States. It seemed quite a number of people in the West didn't care about this new flu virus. I recalled when I brought my colleague to Cannes 2 years ago, we got on a flight from Paris to Nice. A very sick lady sitting next to my colleague, seriously coughing and sneezing. So my colleague put on a face mask. A crew member came to her and asked her not to wear face mask as it would upset the other passengers. I immediately complained "I didn't mean to be rude to that lady who coughed and sneezed heavily but my friend's putting on the mask is to protect her from getting some unnecessary infection. It should be actually that coughing lady upsetting the others, not my friend. So for the patient found in Sze Chuan, her parents once sent her some face masks, but she just didn't put on it. Now that she got infected and came back home with H1N1. The virus is not that scary but the people's mind-set is.

1/2. Metro Park Wanchai - my colleagues and I used to go there often for lunch buffet. It used to be called Singapore Hotel back in the 70's to 90's, but then renovated and became Metro Park chain.


  1. Now the US has over 3,000 confirmed H1N1 Human Swine Flu infected, top no. 1 swine flu country. Good for them, they always want to be no. 1!

    You can tell that spread of the disease is fast in the US, while in Mexico slowdown. In the Sky already told us why!

    Since HK is firm on this issue, and HK people have good sense, the virus do under control in HK.

    So if people in the West want to get sick it is their 'privilege', but don't point their stupid finger to HK!

  2. Yes, the news said the patient is double fast increasing in USA. Yahoo HK said the reporting on this flu in USA is even put as a side part and said the media in USA didn't care about it. Now almost every case in Asia confirmed they are from USA or Canada flights. I remember when we had SARS in 2003, those western people say China and Asia is a place of virus. I think if this time the explosion of this flu is from China, they would say the same thing.

  3. Full agree with Fillet O Fish. we watch tv. even the mexico people take face mask. not many US people take face mask. now the no. 2 case found out from one passenger from San fransiso today. almost cases were found from US. they should know what their CDC mean. why they don't control the disease and let it spread to other countries.

  4. I believe it would be the Japanese people who practise to put on face mask when those have flu. At that time, some people would find it strange to see people wearing face mask. So back to my experience with that Paris-Nice flight, what if the crew come across with those whose religion only allow them to show their eyes only with every clothing covering all themselves up. If there is a religion allowing people to wear certain face mask, wouldn't it change the mind of that crew member? Furthermore, wouldn't people have another acceptance in seeing people wearing face masks. It's also the same thing for fashion, I was once claimed for wearing mid-length pants in Palm Springs in breaking certain local culture. I was puzzled with my friends and asked "isn't the States the place for freedom? I am not to put nothing on but it's just a new style of pants from Armani in 1992.

  5. 真的要爆鑊勁, 西方國家先知口罩用途, 竟然連醫生都無常識

