Tuesday, May 19, 2009

金源小館, Kam Yuen Restaurant, Wanchai, Hong Kong

Was once brought to this local restaurant in Wanchai a few years ago. I wasn't impressed at all at that time. So we re-visited this restaurant again and see if there is any improvement. So it turned out their service and food quality is quite constant. This restaurant is quite the talk of the town and with lots of people visiting.

1. Golden/silver egg soaked with veggie (金銀蛋浸莧菜) - HK$48: if you would notice from the photo, do you know what they miss? I think we can take this photo to the Consumer's Council for filing a complaint. If on the menu they said it's a "Golden egg" - the preserved salty duck egg, where is that golden egg york? Supposed this is the essence of the taste of golden egg and also the important ingredient of this dish. So out of this dish, we can simply tell they use the egg york for the Golden Shrimp which is cooked with lots of egg york. If this dish is just $20, I wouldn't say anything but it's at HK$48, a price similar to those Maxim's restaurants. By the way, the veggie wasn't rinsed enough and yet some root parts were not cut. I can say it's a lousy dish! 2. A disgrace to this renowned Cantonese dish - sweet and sour pork HK$48. First of all, it's too much sauce and what we called 瀉汁. This dish is with sauce to just cover all the ingredients but not drowning it. Then it's already made in a massive production.

3. Shang Tung Shred Chicken (HK$98 for half chicken) (山東手撕雞) - first, it's over-priced and second it's not that impressive. The American Peking Duck Restaurant (美利堅) on Lockhart Road (*the name American is just for easy memory - nothing to do with American food) charged for HK$88 but served a whole chicken and their sauce is much better.

1 comment:

  1. These 3 dishes are my favorites.
    It is about $10 US here for each dish.
