Saturday, November 07, 2009

Back to Lord Jim's, Oriental Bangkok, Thailand

Think the below photos were taken at a very good timing. Let's have an eye-buffet at our most favourite lunch buffet restaurant - Lord Jim's.


  1. Wow it is a super show of full view to this buffet. I know why you like it so much. must go there next time. tks.

  2. Oh SEA, you are killing me again.
    This is really a nice full view of the Lord Jim buffet. Did you take the photos from the ceiling?
    Yes Anonymous 1:48 PM, you shall go there asap before the chef is changed.

  3. Yes, again.... at least try once. I have been poisoning my friends and families with this buffet..., but later on they are happy to have been poisond.

  4. May I know how much is this buffet? Thanks. Roger@Taipei

  5. Hi SUN,
    I think your friends like this kind of poison once in a while.

  6. Roger, this buffet was once from B980 but now B1,450. Still very worth it. Must try!

  7. This is a very good price. buffet like this is over HK$500 as THB2,000.
