Monday, November 09, 2009

A Happy day in a Valley, Hong Kong

So in order to digest the lunch, a walk around this unique residential place is a good exercise and also to know more about Happy Valley. Met a family of an old lady whom was taken care of by her daughter and they have been living in Happy Valley for many generations - native residents of Happy Valley. I was told Happy Valley was very tranquil but lately crowded with a no. of expatriates and some hip people driving some noisy flamboyant expensive racing cars making this place like their playground by disregarding the others' feelings. So during my walk-around, yes, what she said is true. Those cars made the vicinity really annoying.

1. this road name shouldn't be a stranger to any of the local Hong Kong people. 2. TC, the 1st shop of the Italian product shop on Queen's Road East where I bought the white truffle oil is this one in Happy Valley.

3/4. Another nostalgic tea restaurant but I was told it's not that nice now. When I checked on their "pineapple" bun, it looks quite awful.

5. My Japanese friend who once stayed in HK for quite many years highly recommended this accupressure shop, it's opposite to Sun Cheong Ming noodle shop. 6. See these stylish mansions.

7/8. this is a buddhist primary school. Do you miss walking at such a steep road for school? I do and it's good for exercise.
9. looks like a place for buddhists too and I was told it's a place for cremations. 10. more restaurants. The right one is quite famous, used to be a shop often visited by the great singer Teresa Tang.
11. The grand old lady's family grand kids used to play around at these stairs. Kids can play at anywhere no matter where it is. It's a matter of when they get together. 12. Brown is a shop very good at cakes and coffee/tea. The right one (pink) is an Indian yoga spa.
13. I think this is the original shop which opened an outlet in the HK Airport. 14. Do you miss this kind of staircases?
15. The left one has an award of architecture and the smallest unit is 3,500 something square feet and only 2 units on one floor. The right one is a newer one. These 2 are a bit stunning on the hillside of Happy Valley. 16. The V Residence - a serviced apt.
17. It used to be quite a famous primary school 寶血小學 (don't know the English name). 18. Another old mansion.

19/20. There are indeed some buildings in Happy Valley which are quite Southern Mediterranean style, reminding me of Cannes.

21/22. Do they remind you of Ms. Chan Bo Chu 陳寶珠 and Ms. Siu Fong Fong 蕭芳芳.

23. Madam Fa told me she used to work as a butler in a mansion like this in Happy Valley. At that time, she taught a Japanese family to sun dry the red mullet until the oil was leaked on the surface. Then pan fry those semi sun-dried red mullet. Though I didn't try it, I already feel the nice aroma of such nice red-mullet. 24. What a literal name of this house.
25. inside the primary school. 26. Another nice old mansion.
27. Something classic for the gentlemen.


  1. Wow. you always make things look good and you seem to promote many things. I didn't notice that. every time I just go there and then eat and go. you make happy valley look like a tourist point. I should go there next time to check more. tks.

  2. You are right Anonymous 2:16 PM. The blogger is the Ambassador of HK as he makes all the places so interesting and attractive.
    Yes I never know Happy Valley is so big and diverse with old and new buildings till today. In my memory Happy Valley was only Lee Garden(eating) and Sogo(shopping).

  3. it is instead balsamic vinegar with white truffle (not oil la) :) ooops, btw needed one on ur next visiting pls

  4. sorry krup. Yes, it should be balsamic vinegar, but my mind was totally switched to the white truffle oil... haha.

    Thanks Anonymous and SS for the word. SS, Lee Garden and Sogo should be in Causeway Bay....

  5. Oh SEA you are right. Thank you for the correction. As last time(1990) I stayed in Causeway Bay and that is why I remember those places.

    In that case I don't know Happy Valley that much except for the horses and some relatives used to be there.
