Monday, November 02, 2009

W Hotel, West Kowloon - preview

The opening of this W Hotel was once a talk of the town. I once tried their introductory rate at HK$1,280 but now regretted a bit. This hotel reminded me of the same theme of W Hotel Seoul which I visited 2 years ago when W Hotel was launched as a sub-brand of Starwood. In walking into the hotel, there came various light effect and a bit trendy with some grunge. If the music is not in a beach house style during my visit, it would be a bit too dark. Some may like it, including me. :)

1. Guess where is it? It's the glass bottom of the elevator. 2. the entrance to the lobby.
3. reception area.
4. The Kitchen offers various buffets and a-la-carte menu. It'll be on my agenda in due course.
5. Entrance area of Kitchen.
6. Though the front desk is a bit small, it does have some another dimensional atmosphere.
7. The hotel ground floor all up to 6th floor are surrounded by the auto-changing lighting.

8. View thru' the lighting to West harbour Tunnel (on the right back behind)


  1. A very trendy hotel. the decoration is quite Chinese.

  2. Yes, nowadays there are quite many places taking reference to some ancient Chinese stuff.
