Saturday, June 05, 2010

Ming's Tomb 十三陵, China

The 13 Ming's Tomb is on the route from Beijing city to Ba Da Ling of the Great Wall.

1/2. The monument for a pavilion being destroyed when Ching army entered the last empire of Ming.

3/4. the Entrance. I took it as a reverse way. Normally tourists would go to the Great Wall in the morning time and stop by here in the afternoon time. I came here in the morning time to avoid the crowd.

5. It's quite big and took a long walk to reach the main tomb area. 6. inside the tomb hall.

7. Some people may not like to visit this place actually but please try to take it as something historic. BTW, don't know why some people dropped money onto it. Wishing fountain in Rome? 8. Something for the king and queen.
9/10. I only saw the queen's place, and that's it. Where is the king? Guess it's not accessible for tourists.

11/12. King Kong wall and see how thick it is.

13. 3 inch shoes. 14. ancient dollars 銀錠

15. Ming's dynasty law book. 16. for the queen.

17. this one reminds me of... Thailand..MO Bkk? 18. very nice handicraft.
19. something fashionable - see thru'.


  1. 我93年去的時候是嚴禁拍攝的,我拍了5秒鐘錄影帶後即有公安走來記下我個人資料,最重要是收了250元罰款,可能現在大陸真的「開放」了!

  2. Yes, it is now much more open than the old time. I think they may not know what your view cam is. RMB250? Mmh... the tour guide should have reminded you about no video taping, no photo taking. BTW, the Taipei museum (keeping all those China's national treasures) still doesn't let the visitors take photos.
