On the past few times I visited the Great Wall, I just went up, took photos and rested for about 20 minutes, then left. In fact there are some museums good for taking a look and recall our history class. I am glad that I still remember some of those names and part of their remarkable achievements.

1. This great general Qi Ci Quang 戚繼光 of Ming Dynasty defeated many foreign invaders. He also invented many successful theories of army and further strengthened the fortifying of the Great Wall.

3. 王昭君 Wang Chao Juan - a beautiful girl in the falling Han dynasty漢, married to the neighbouring uprising country Yuan元. Accompanied by a Yuan officer, she passed the Yue Mun gate 玉門關 of the Great Wall and looked back to her country for the last time. What a complex feeling of Wang. Her sacrifice maintained years of an amicable relationship of Yuan and Han.
4. This gate shouldn't be a strange name and so poetic. Just the name would tell how far this bird can reach the limit. A bit sad and like exile. Other gates' names as 山海關,嘉裕關. Familiar?
Back to the Chinese history class in high school.