Friday, June 25, 2010

View with the meal, 國福樓/南海一號, I-Square, TST, Kowloon

My Thai business friends are in town. Brought them to this restaurant on the top floor of I-Square. We were all "eating" the view rather than paying attention to the food.
1. The tallest building in Central TST - lower section is Hyatt Regency and upper section is apartments for the zillionaires. 2. No. 1 Nan Hai is the bar together with Guo Fu Lou. Check the window behind. It's Peninsula office tower.

3. TST. Mody Rd. is clearly seen on the right middle below next to Hyatt. 4. the left one is another big fancy mall (forgot the name). It was Tung Yin Mansion 東英大廈

5. New World Center in the middle. On the other side is Causeway Bay. 6. the table setting. The food is so so (no need to post) but very expensive. 7 persons for dim sum/soup/veggie/rice costs HK$1,500. So the "view" cost is $700.


  1. i heard that the chefs r from Fook Lam Mun? and this a new canteen for the zillionaire-club, so the price , hehehe, dimsum HK$1,700 already lucky

  2. very good shots of concrete jungle

  3. Lots of nice photos and nice scenic view here.
    No need to post the food, that means the view is way better than the food here.
    OK, $150 US for the view and $50 US for the food.

  4. Interesting, I see more rich people in Hyatt Regency Chinese restaurant than this one and at least Hyatt Regency is far better than this one and the prices are same same.

    Will tell you a separate story about rich men taking home cooking meal...

  5. 蘇施黃 comment on 國福樓 - 大失所望

    食物要同價錢掛鈎。今次有家姊、嫂子,老表們 7人,食咗HK$5,546.50

    1. 乳豬($1,000). 皮硬又實,絕不鬆化。肉又淡,肋骨內殼全冇叉燒醬味。白色的包又太薄,我寧去喜萬年:一至六$480;日$300(堂食)比國福還要好食呢!

    2. 冬瓜盅($800). 湯淡了一點,但所有料都切到好似大牌檔的粗大!最抵打係,個冬瓜放在一個白色湯兜上,當然大半冬瓜外露,外露的冬瓜是用錫紙包住!係唔係咁唔方便,這個似樣啲嘅盅都冇錢買?!

    3. 椒鹽田雞腿($160). 田雞太韌.

    4. 焗蟹蓋($100). 蟹蓋面的炸皮,厚過我面皮!!!餡太濕,太多洋葱太多蟹肉。

    5. 薑葱九孔、蝦煲($1,354). 俾$400我,我一定煮得好過佢!九孔係唔會入味的,所以炒的時候係要靠芡將個汁味掛在九孔上,九孔才有味。他們弄得顏色又唔美觀,全白色,味道全冇!

    6. 上湯浸勝瓜$240. 勝瓜又係切得大大嚿!

    7. 荷葉飯($280). 好食!

    8. 甜品
    千層糕—————— x
    柚子蜜蛋散———————— x(劣品!)



    (quote from 蘇施黃 via Next Magazine)

  6. Are the comments from my idol chef Ah So?
    Is "Next Magazine" also "East Weekly"?
    If yes, I have this magazine every Sunday too.
    I did not see this article at all.
    May be not yet to LA la.

  7. 應該係割福樓至真. 佢地真係當人係呀福. 好離譜. 仲有,有錢人都好憎俾人當係呀福.

  8. Thanks Anonymous 9:34am. Suzie Wong is very generous to say that lotus leaf rice is good. I will make a simulating comments separately.

    Agreed to Anonymous 4:09pm. The rich hates to be treated as "fish belly".

  9. i think this "割福樓" is set up for the suddenly-rich uncle and cousin from the motherland, not for the local tycoon

  10. That makes senses because on the ground floor there are many jewel/gems shops. So this restaurants may target those "wild" blind catches.
