Saturday, November 06, 2010

Jumping to Yosemite National Park

After getting a new DSLR, my friend pixmation has spent a photography camp tour to Yosemite National Park lately. The photos and the scenery are awesome! Below is the link:

Also in this new link, there are photos showing his jumping project and various professional photography (serious one) with some lighting effect.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I tend to agree with SEA's comment.

  3. When I was a kid and watching those Japanese TV dramatic sports dramas. Yes, dramatic drama as 綠水英雌 & 綱球雙鳳, those sportswomen can jump over 20 feet high and fly over half of the pool, then the tennis ball can go v-turn to bounce back to the net or even the ball can kill someone. Then I heard they often say "ok, our skill is not enough and our next goal is to reach out of Japan, there are even more tough competitors, we need to train ourselves more. :)

  4. I only know the ones talking about volley ball(Ching Chuen Four Fa) and bowling. They are way before your time.
    Yes, they are very dramatic and unreal, and yet still good to watch although so fake. Just like those Cho Da Wa type of HK movie.


  5. I also know those 2 and it's the same time when Ultra Man invaded HK. Do you remember 票原小菤 & 竹協無我?

  6. I don't remember 票原小菤 & 竹協無我.

  7. Oops.. typo. should be 栗原小卷. These couple played a very influential TV series which has paved for the love story TV series for HK, and the most famous one is called "二人世界". However, that's the most boring one for me. So I would remember the most interesting and boring ones. The most interesting one is of course Ultra Man. I often thought about how come Tokyo Bay was in such a bad luck.
