Today I got a new toy and actually it's under the influence of Pixmation. I used to take photos without flash unless it's critically necessary. So tonight my apt. is like an ET in the house - so many flashes. In coincidence I bought a black glass stand. The below 3 were taken at the 50mm lens at 1/200 shutter speed, F6.3, ISO 100 and flash default. There are lots of setting of the flash which I need to explore later on. P.S. the below iPhone is still sealed.
That black glass stand would be a very good background for photographing glasses, bottles and crystals etc. For the #2 flash technique is called feathering when turning the flash away and just use the edge of the flash light, so you can see the light fall-off.
ReplyDeleteYes, that's interesting and as I noticed from various angles have some very interesting effect. Fortunately and in coincidence, the black glass stand acts another purpose.