Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Be happy, be thankful.

I passed by some public housing estates lately and found out some of the things which the Gov't did improve a lot on the living environment. However, least attention were paid at. Just like the below photo 1, a very nice sheltered bridge system links all the houses to the train station and shopping malls. Photo shows a very nice basket ball field. What and why are the people complaining still. These are not suddenly there. Furthermore, think of the water, electricity and transportation. We should be thankful for what we have been given in life.


  1. Sometime the more they have, the more they complain. This seems to be human nature out of greed. Never enough.

    US people is also the same. Even the Gov't has done a lot(more than a lot) to the poor and the under-privileged, they still complain and sound like we all owe them.

    I hate to see the Vietnamese using food stamps to buy lobster and abalone using our hard earned money while we are only buying simple veggie and grocery.

  2. People often feel they were brought to this world by their parents and supposed they should be fed enough all the time. They really don't know what the meaning of life is.

  3. This is very true.
    I watch some documentary movies about the poor kids in some poor countries. It seems those under-privileged kids have less complaints than the over-privileged kids in HK or US.
    What a funny phenomenon.
