Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Inspiration from the animation movie "Spirited Away"

Last time at the MO stay, we found out 3 pajamas were put in the room. As a MO fan, a subconscious thought of taking one of those as a souvenir came up. However, better not, for some reason. Supposed this pajama is for sale if you wanna take it home.

That reminded me of a Japanese animation movie called "Spirited Away(千與千尋)" made by the famous Japanese animation director Hayao Miyazaki 官崎駿. It's about a girl going with her parents to a holiday destination, but got lost on the way. Then they got to a strange place, where lots of restaurants were there, but the town has no one. They noticed the restaurants having some very delicious food on the table. The parents then took those food though her girl urged them not to, since having food on the table with no one around doesn't mean it's for free being taken. Later on, the spirits showed up and cursed the parents into pigs and so they ate like pigs. The girl tried so hard to find her way to get back her parents and there went an intrigue story of how we as human being treat this world by exhausting our natural resources and ruining environment...etc.

So this MO extra pajama reminded me of what the girl urging her parents. :)


  1. It is a very good animation. The girl saved the little white dragon when she was younger and the dragon helped her to find her parents.

  2. So even No's pajamas can give us such a good inspiration of life.

  3. I mean Mo instead of No.
    Sorry of my eye sight.
