Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Cassette Tape

Passed by an old shop in Ap Lei Street Shamshuipoo. Met some old friends - our old time cassette tape. Do you remember TDK, D, AD, SA, SAX, and Maxell UD, UX? Personally I like AD and SA sound, the others are either too low or too sharp.


  1. I think my favourite was SA. Always like TDK more than Maxell.

  2. Hahaha... I remember those vile things. It gets stuck to the head mechanism occasionally and i am left with a big mess and need to wind them back using a pencil. Hahaha... Been ages since I saw one of these. Thanks for reviving old memories.

  3. If I used SA, I would normally adjust the bias to -1 or -2 to make it less sharp, but still TDK is the best.

    Android, this is the most trouble time for the tape being stuck in the machine. When that happened, I often tried to calm down in not wrinkling the tape. So many years ago...
