Sunday, May 08, 2011

3 hours in Macau

Had a half day trip to Macau lately. Most interesting is that I spent 3 hours there only for a lunch meeting and another formal meeting. No grilled sardines. No pork chop bun. No almond cake to bring back. Felt so light on the trip.
1. Macau turbo jet pier. Takes just one hour between HK and Macau.
2. Shun Tak pier.


  1. What a rush business trip with no pork chop bun, no lard cake, no almond cake, no gambling, no nothing....

  2. It's quite interesting on such a short trip though.

  3. With so many business and leisure trips, do you sometimes forget where you are when you wake up?

  4. In fact, I did several times when I woke up, I hit the wall in the hotel room.

  5. Why hit the hotel wall?
    You can just hit your head so that you can remember where are you faster. LOL. :)

  6. Har.. if I knew I wanna know where I should, how could I know I should hit my head. :)
