Thursday, June 30, 2011

My cooking: veggie, fish and soup 清炒學斗,冬菜蒸黃花魚,老樹黃瓜日月魚嚮螺豬𦟌湯

In summer time, we have to eat more lightly by getting more fish and melon/gourd. The baby bak choy 學斗 is in season now. I would prefer stir frying it with little chopped garlic and ginger. No need to put much garlic or ginger as that would spoil the nice fragrant of this baby green. 2. Yellow fish steamed with preserved veggie (冬菜). Paid HK$18 for a nice yellow fish at about 18 oz in weight. Put some ginger slices and preserved veggie and cooking oil. Then steam it at high heat for about 9 to 10 minutes. No need to put soy sauce. Eat it together with the veggie and ginger. So good. 3. This soup is good for the summer time and the dried conch and sun-moon fish (kind of a shell fish) are good for nourishing your body 滋陰 and especially good for your liver. Yellow squash is good for clearing your cumulative heat from your body. Remember to put a nice (soaked) dried tangerine peel. The meal is about HK$60 in total. Again, it depends what you get. Though the food prices are going up, if we spend wisely, we can still have a nice balanced meal. We don't necessarily eat swimming garoupa or a freshly killed chicken. I sometimes bought a plate of small fishes at HK$10. It's good for us to show it to the kids to eat more wisely and to know how to eat fish and how to take out the bones. Don't always get them frozen fish filet or some fish with less bones. The kids get to learn.


  1. this baby bak choy (from Royal project, organic) is very popular in bkk, it is called the emperor veggie in TH, the sound emperor in Thais is similar to Cantonese 學斗, i always stir-fired them too, but price more expensive than a big piece of chicken meat or pork fillet ..

  2. Interesting to know some sound is similar. My Thai friends would get some Kai Lan and this one when they are in HK, and she comes here from Oct to Dec for getting those for her mother. Her mother couldn't travel much. This is very heart warming to me. I often told her to go to Wanchai market for those veggie.

  3. Finally you are eat at home with home dishes.

  4. Finally? I'll go out for other meals again.

  5. buy vegetables from HK?

    actually Bangkok also has Hong Kong kale, from Chiangrai royal project, organic and safe .. safer then veggie from mainland China

  6. I have no idea why it's so. BTW, there are now lots of local veggie from the New Territories. In fact, this baby bak choy is originated from Fan Ling and spread to other Canton places.
