Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Tough small friend

Noticed something on it?


  1. 放大照片都看不到有什么特别?但令我想到的是苍蝇人.

  2. You are right Poly. I did not notice anything special except a yucky and gross big fly.

    BTW Poly, I just read your blog again and noticed your "Wong Mo" cat looks like the cat that Sea had before too. What a coincidence.
    Your Chinese writing is gorgeous although I can only understand 90% the simplified Chinese writing of yours.

  3. It lost one leg. :( I felt sorry for not helping it to fly out of the curtain from behind. It just stuck in the window behind.
    Poly's blog did show Wang Mao. Wang Mao has been with us over 18 years.

  4. So that was really the same cat then. Thanks Sea.

  5. Just went to check the fly again.
    You are right Sea, one leg is missing and it is obvious.
    I shall not have missed it.
    I even enlarged to look and still did not notice.
    Poor observation.
    Cannot be the FBI.

  6. Very clear camera. can see the little white things on the window.

  7. Stella, if a chicken was served without one thigh, we would definitely notice it. It's because we don't notice something we consider they are unpleasant. There are some flies which are not staying around the dirty area. Those things in black are usually considered as dirty. Somehow we should think there are something more harmful or dirtier but we can't see it.

  8. That is true SEA.
    For sure I will notice a missing chicken thigh since I pay for it. Even a smaller thigh I will notice and complain(only complain to myself).

  9. Reply to Stella;

  10. Hi Poly,
    Will view your blog now Poly.
    I like to see your blogs so that I can improve my Chinese understanding especially more simplified characters.
