Monday, October 22, 2012

2012 Autumn review: Lawry's, the prime ribs,

Lawry's HK is one of the few restaurants that hasn't disappointed me in every visit I have had.  Though this time the service is a bit not up to standard, the bread, the salad, the mushroom soup and most of all, the prime "Prime Ribs" are always the drive to get me addicted to re-visiting Lawry's.  I ordered 2 baskets of bread to go with the mushroom soup.  The funny thing is that I don't like mushroom soup and cream soup much.  Except for this one at Lawry's, I would empty the bowl.  Their signature spinning salad with chilled fork deserves an all-time two-thumbs up.  When the prime ribs was served on the table, the nice beef aroma with the warm hot original beef stock gravy and the Yorkshire pudding with moist mashed potato.....  :)


  1. u will also empty the fresh mushroom soup at minibar royale!!

  2. Yes I agree with you Sea.
    In fact, Lawry's prime rib is considered a bargain as compared to the good service, good meat, good cooking, and the chilled spinning salad.
    Many so called high end steak houses with higher price are only half as good.

  3. Minibar Royale - not to be missed!
