1/2. the shop looks quite clean with lots of variety of pastry and sandwich.

3. the shop is mainly in a black color tune - kind of remind me of Greyhound Cafe BKK. 4. The iced-chocolate is pretty good and it's not those ordinary chocolate. It's not that heavy but quite rich in a "nut" flavour but I can't figure out what that's it. Something between hazelnut and pecan nut. I was quite surprised the iced decaf coffee is quite aromatic and they use the Japanese thick cream. Both are at HK$26 (cheaper than Starbucks). Then next to it is Coffee Banofee (not sure the spelling). Though it's quite crispy, it doesn't have the coffee taste.

5/6. another view to the shop.

5/6. another view to the shop.
if u couldn't figure out what kind of nut it was, then it must be mixed nuts, my guess
I need to go there and try the Choco. again. BTW, there is another Cafe called Habitu (Italian) which offered some very nice Chocolate drink. Will take some photos of it and introduce it later.
我昨天去了又一城的分店,與朋友分了三個brunch(一杯凍柑橘+湯/沙拉+main course+無限添加麵包=102)main course我們點了了蝦天使麵、魚糙米飯、雞胸,很清淡。湯和麵包也很好,但最好味是甜品,除了lemon cheese cake 外,一款叫blueberry cheese cake也令人有驚喜。太古城中心也有一間的。
Thanks Nikki for the further intro. I think I know where this shop is in City Plaza (Tai Koo Shing). I did notice this shop makes some pasta and rice in the lunch/dinner time. OK, I will try that $102 set as you mentioned. Wow, unlimited bread re-fill, what a tempting offer! I am so much into rice and bread.
那個brunch的價錢可能是92,因為有兩款價錢的,原先我也以為我們是點了102的,但我記得那個侍應說跟餐湯已有可再添加的麵包,而我們三人叫了三個餐加兩件cheese cake,埋單每人也是付120,所以可能是92元。最抵的是我們只叫了第二個round的麵包,吃了一片(佢跟人頭給麵包)後還剩的兩片,於是多口問可以「打包」嗎,答案是:「可以,我幫你包起佢」,早知叫多一份!
I think it's a good practice if the customers can take the left over away.
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