A fine day at Harbour City and Ocean Terminal :)

As I was about to get an iced mocha from Starbucks, I passed by Cova and found out they have a take-away counter for their drinks and chocolate. When I looked at their price, I immediately forgot about starbucks. An iced mocha is just HK$32 but if I get from Starbucks, it's $36. I guess not too many people would notice it, as like I told you, many people would often think such a "expensive look" restaurant may charge you a coffee over $50 to 60. However, my curiosity is often my drive for me to check - no harm, just like how much I enjoy checking hotel rooms in Thailand whenever and wherever possible. So my curiosity did give me a nice pleasant surprise from this superb iced drink. I also went out on the balcony of Harbour City for a bit of 4pm sunshine with a sip of this aromatic chillin' drink. What more can I say! So thankful for this World having such a nice chocolate and coffee from Italy. Also I was lucky to have been to the original shop in Milan twice in 1997 and 2001. I really missed that shop. Should plan for a re-visit.

7. Central, Hong Kong
what a sunny day with clear view today!
So my old time Ocean Terminal is still there.
Is Star House "Sing Kwong Hong"?
Those were the days my friend.
Yes, Star House is Sing Kwong Hong. However, I just noted that it may be demolished together with Ocean Center and to be built with a high rise complex (about 70-80 storey high) called "Master Piece". Nowadays some bldgs have some interesting names like 君臨天下. When I saw this bldg. title, it really made me laugh. I would suggest the bldg. next to it with a title as "萬人之上". So this simply tell how much of the fame and glory people are obssessed with.
Ha Ha Ha I like your sense of humor and your creative name for the 2nd building.
I would defintely use that name your created if I were the developer.
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