15 years ago, when the internet became popular, some people get so used to chat online and even within an office staff A would just chat on those instant messengers with staff B. There was a time when I saw my friend and talked to him, I could notice his fingers typing when replying to me. Later on, it turned out he couldn't communicate smoothly with the others.
In my recent years at work, I have interviewed quite a no. of staff to work in my company. Most of them do lack some facial expression or even lose their ability in showing some emotion. So I also notice most of them send sms or chatting online with the others. They used some emotion icons to show their feeling expressions but nothing on their faces.
So in time will they remember how to smile and how to cry?

Yes, as I said 10 minutes ago, everything has its good and bad sides and so is the invention of the internet and email.
People now communicate through internet/computer a lot which is good, as long as they don't forget how to communicate with real people instead of machine only.
This is especially important to the next generation. Heavy reliance on computer may deprive the kids from face to face communication with real people.
Correct, the industrial revolution was first developed from the West and now it's the West claiming on the environmental protection. Every theory needs to be interpreted properly. Just like some lawyers are turning the laws around and taking advantages of it. Don't mean I am specifying lawyers - just an example.
Of course, there are good things about internet, but if some social behaviour became electronically expressed, this is a bit too much. When I see my business clients every year in Cannes, they are so happy in grabbing my hands and hugging, like old friends. This is something the video conference and internet can't replace.
SEA's comment is so true. The beauty of internet is efficient, cost effective and convenient; however, the extensive use of internet may hinder personal interaction by the traditional way(seeing people face to face, chatting in person, visiting friends in his house). Hopefully we can balance between the two.
While we are getting busier, technology is to buy us some convenience and advancement, but on the other end, we need to control ourselves from not being too being spoiled by technology.
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