This mall has established Kwun Tong into a new era and supposed it's the phrase 5 of Millenium City (a group of high rise commercial buildings). The mall is told to run 24 hours a day and a hot place for general public to go for overnight sports event watching, such as olympic game. The name apm stands for am and pm.

I like 24-hour mall as it makes the area very "alive".
Wish there is one in LA soon.
That is why I like HK and BKK as these cities never go to sleep.
So now even a factory oriented community like Kwun Tong is so commercial and alive.
A friend of mine was here and wondered if she could take a cab back to the hotel at 2am. She was surprised buses, mini-buses run all night long, and even crossing to the other side of the harbour. Besides, those are on frequent schedules.
Oh, this is the place suitable for me, the night owl.
I like to stay in a city where restaurants open till midnight with active night life.
That is why I love HK and BKK so much.
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