Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Frozen hottie

Looks familiar? Check with our buddy and I found 4 different things. To be posted later. Part 2: 1. cream hat is less curly and the Froyoman is in layer. 2. Face is different. 3. Mouth is different too. 4. the hands. :)


Mickey Mouse said...

har buddhi belly covered version?

if real, sue them

Stella said...

Hard to sue or complain or even express freely in China.

in the sea said...

Stella, it's not hard to sue or complain in China. We have to see "what" we complain against. As long as we don't instigate or destroy the community order, it's ok to sue. There have been many successful cases in China that the copyright owners won.

BTW, ironically in some so-called developed countries they take out the copyright protection on internet and this country is the first one who developed internet. This country often judged on how the other countries this this this and that that that. Sorry - I mean the Gov't of that country, not the people of that country.

Stella said...

That country must be the US right?
As internet was "born" in LA.

in the sea said...

It may be, but something is like a virus. There are now even more learning how.