The buffet offers some very nice meat and seafood but sadly they were not handled well. First I don't like propane stove to grill food. Second, the meat wasn't massaged a bit first or at least marinated a little bit with some herbs and oil. Then they rely on the various BBQ sauce for the guests to choose. So I had to try some of the sauce but it's just not on my appetite. However, for those who like heavy sauce, this is a bargain deal - THB1,299 net. *photos taken on my waterproof compact camera Panasonic TS3. Kind of worried if it rained all of a sudden.

the food charge was B699, and the ambiance charge was B600 maybe!
Very likely. They outsourced a company for the dance show as I noticed. Probably that company will take turn go to each resort for the same dance show.
Food must be not that good as your plate is not full.
Also does not look appealing.
Yes, the view and environment looks more attractive than the BBQ.
SS, there are some repeated ones and as I found out my compact camera couldn't deliver a good performance in taking those photos, I gave up. :)
I see.
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