This building and most other old buildings in Wanchai have been the talk of the town for preserving them. I have passed by this mansion almost twice a day but today the closed restaurant on the left bottom (Yau Chai Kee - meaning "having a boy"). These few words are very simple but the meaning behind it is actually a black curse laid by some insensible people for the past thousand years. If you have this kind of preference, please excuse me for my word but please release yourself from not restraining into this mindset. Our elder generations suffer and everyone around us suffers and our future generations suffer the same. Do you want them to carry this burden? This simple phrase is giving much pressure on trillions of existing and/or passed away mothers and/or fathers. These few words have caused so many many family tragedies! So please help stop this kind of thinking, and help from not spreading it around further.

你這幾句話正好說出大多數人的心聲. 仔女也好, 他們不懂性, 生一個都夠. 有些人四五個仔, 恨女恨到發燒. 好諷刺.
Correct, just like when those villagers in some remote islands often want a job in a bank and stay away from the sun, while a banker often wants some time to go some remote islands for a suntan....
there are too many people in the world already, better to adapt. Really no need to create a mini you to fix your own childhood disappointment. On the lighter note, the balconies of the building is very interesting.
Correct and that's how we are living - just my occasional grievances.... hehe. I like to release my anger in word as an alternate way to reduce my pressure, just like someone yelling at a wide open space or even someone "hitting the small men" under the fly over of Canal Road (commonly known as Goose Neck Bridge).
This one and another blue mansion in Wanchai are quite unique. Will try to go to that mansion for photo taking.
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