Used my macro lens to shoot this tiny spider (about 1cm wide). After a few shots, it came to be standing up to check on my lens (about 1 foot something away). After the last shot (photo 3 - check the thread on its 2 front legs), it disappeared from my view finder. I spent a minute to check where it went. Then I found out it was hanging on its thread stuck to my lens. Luckily I could find it out earlier since I had no idea if it's poisonous or not. Immediately I took it off my lens. If I calculate its size as 1cm and it can emit its thread to over 1 foot away (1 foot is equil. to 30cm, i.e. 30 times). If we take it as a human standard for a 6 feet high body, that means 6x30 feet = 180 feet.
I used to think the movie Spider man is a bit exaggerating, but I am wrong, and in fact the movie is a bit understating the power of the spider.
Wow what a powerful macro lens you have. Make sure no picture on my face with the lens.
No problem, I'll tell you I am not taking a photo when I press the shutter.
Then people may think you can shooting photo on the moon.
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