This factory outlet is just opposite to Sheraton. It's not as big as those in the States. It's somehow quite a nice place to check something you miss or just go there for casual shopping. This place has some nice decorations inside and outside of the shop. It has a corner section showing something very nostalgic (from photo 9). It has a food section too (the last 2 photos). *Took all these photos on my Sony TX10. Feel a bit lazy these few days, even in fixing photos...

This outlet is quite stylish and artistic.
I like all the decorations there, also the rabbits and the doll.
So they also observe Easter.
Though in majority Thailand is more for Buddhism, there are more rooms for other religious festivals. I recall some of my religious friends accusing their fellows of visiting Thailand as it's a Buddhist country. I then replied those "friends" "do you eat risotto and drink mineral water imported from Italy? Then please ask your source carrying those stuff not to take a Thai Airway cargo flight either.". :)
You are right, Thailand is more than budda and monks. Let us be more open minded.
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