This place was so crowded with fishermen. Boats came in and out busily. Though it's no long that busy, I can see and smell some old memory. This place is also a very nice spot for seeing sunset. Please click the photos for a larger view as it's more spectacular. Needless to describe.

Very nice sunset at this place and time with your camera.
a very different Kowloon in preserved look
Good that this place is still preserved to some extent. I guess this is kind of like Koh Kret.
well Bangkok is a little lucky, besides Koh Kret there r still a number of preserved communities around us, because, Thailand is 20 years behind HK in term of economy and city development ..
Yes you are right TC. Seeing BKK is like seeing HK in its old days. Bkk cam become another HK easily if there is no more political issue or protest or riot.....
After all, it seems to me Thai people are more creative and receptive.
Yes SEA, I noticed Thai people in fact are very creative and artistic, also warm, passionate and friendly.
But one thing they cannot compete with HK people, it is the hard working and the adaptability.
BTW, I read from Sing Tao newspaper that there is one Thai shop in HK very famous, it is run by young guy and the shop is called "La-Al". They are selling art creation and also the scent. Too bad I threw away the newspaper already. It was from last week.
Interesting again that you read HK newspaper... :)
In fact this is from local newspaper in LA called Sing Tao's weekend edition. They always have one section talking about interesting place and eatery in HK. Only on weekend.
Sing Tao is related to HK more than the other newspaper called World Journal, which is more Taiwan oriented.
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