Tai On Building has been a place for some local HK snacks and even some rich people driving their mercedes or BMW to this area for their childhood memories. So you would see how busy this area is in the followings:

1. Mini-car noodle 車仔麵 (this stall has been here for over 20 years). See the hot steam...! 2. Congee/steamed rice roll/Beef mix-mix....etc. very busy...

3. ok - this is the most impressive place for me. I was about 4 years old and my first aunt bringing me back to their old place Tai Koo Dormitory. The 2nd elevator from left had a bloody man yelling for help with the elevator door open and close on and off... My aunt didn't notice it until she knew I stopped. Then it was much too late for her to cover my eyes... :). So she felt so guilty from letting me see the first real blood scene. That man was having some blood flowing from his head down on his tummy. See how the scene is still up in my mind. I was asked not to take this photo. However, to overcome some childhood fear is to face it bravely. 4. Wow - something memorable. See the deco. - I should send this photo to Film Director Wong Kar Wai.

5. the left shop is very famous for the mini-egg-cake (雞蛋仔). 6. Something I miss - deep fried pig's intestine! The most yummy and evil food! Oh, the mustard, hoi sien sauce....!

7. This is another famous stall for beef mix/mix. 8. Tai On Building on the beginning of Shaukiwan Road. So much memory of this place. I used to walk thru' this building to the swimming pool of Tai Koo Dockyard (now Tai Koo Shing). Every time I told the others there was a swimming pool of Tai Koo Dockyard, almost no one knew, not even those older than me.

9. The left - Wing On BBQ shop is very good and also my father's favourite BBQ shop. He often told me to get the roasted 5-belly pork from this shop as well as the suckling pig. You would see the shop inside is crowded with people. The right one mini-mart has been here over 30 years!
Yes, this place is nice. many street food. I think the egg cake in this place is better than the north point egg cake also cheaper.
These are the kind of food I missed the most in HK as they bring me good old memories.
And that is why I always like to eat the "Car Noodle", the "egg cake", the curry fish egg, the pineapple bun etc here in LA so I feel like I am back to HK.
I haven't tried that lately but I also got told this one is better. Stella, then you may need to think about getting prepared for a HK ID. HK seems to be in another round of those local food culture. I think this is something the locals feel proud of... :)
wow Tai-On Building, an old friend;s name so close but far!
Yes I like HK food, HK music, HK movie, HK shopping, HK pace but not the HK high living cost.
SS, it just depends on how and where you live, but of course, with the same amount of money, BKK is a better choice. :)
Do you get yelled at a lot when taking photos of the street food stalls?
Mmmh. so far only one time at Dundas Street. I needed to be very quick in taking all these photos. So I want the Ricoh CX2 as it can take 8 frames of photos at 1 second.
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