1. a photo taken by Mandy. Good skill! 2. this one taken by Jason. Note the whole composition - the door, the boat's fence, the sea and the sky. It's not a careless shooting at all. I will make a showcase of photos taken by our future photographers...

3. Check the behind - it's Ocean Park! 4. our 2 young photographers

Good pictures taken by the 2 young photographers. You have 2 bright "Tao Dai" (students) Sea.
Har... but I found out not just one photo, but also some other photos. Don't under-estimate the kids' brain power. I recall I read a book about why kids can connect to something supernatural. It's because when a human was born, his/her brain was so un-restrained. Later on, when they were taught for some theories or something like 1+1=2...etc., then their brains will be confined to certain things and lost that naturally born power. That's also why we only use 1/10th of our brain memory.
I think taking photos sometimes is a capture of moments and a frame of what the photographer want to tell. I think the 2 kids just wanna show this kind of message.
Teacher Nikki must be a good teacher. Don't spoil the kids. But we should let them take more chance to practise if they are interested.
Yes, that's a right way. OK, next time I wouldn't speak in such a way in front of Jason and Mandy. :)
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