Tried Tao Heng Hot Pot last night. Glad that they came back to their quality. It was once down to below average - serving rotten veggie, food not that fresh...etc. However, last night there was still a flaw - the corn was a bit rotten. In general, all other food were very fresh, especially they rinsed the veggie very thouroughly. Their home hand meat balls were awesome. We ordered the drunken chicken soup base - lovely!
This must be a famous restaurant as I keep hearing about Tao Heng Restaurant here. Two restaurant managers(one of them is manager at "The Kitchen" in Alhambra, headquartered in SF)told us they are from Tao Heng in HK(as they assumed we know about Tao Heng in HK).
Stella, yes, Tao Heng is very famous chain restaurant. They were first made known with their $1 chicken. Later on, it's the hot pot meal getting very popular because their food quality can be kept quite well.
This restaurant is very popular and has a long line of people waiting, especially after 9pm because the hot pot food will have discount.
Thanks Sea and Man. No wonder the manager at "The Kitchen" kept telling me he is from Tao Heng. Every time we went there he kept saying "Tao Heng in HK, you know you know". And I don't want to say "I don't know".
He also mentioned one of the chefs is from Tao Heng.
"The Kitchen" is very famous in SF and then they expanded to LA in 2006.
Thanks Sea and Man. No wonder the manager at "The Kitchen" kept telling me he is from Tao Heng. Every time we went there he kept saying "Tao Heng in HK, you know you know". And I don't want to say "I don't know".
He also mentioned one of the chefs is from Tao Heng.
"The Kitchen" is very famous in SF and then they expanded to LA in 2006.
Don't know why some people often relate or label themselves with this or that. They shall even try better than Tao Heng and not to take Tao Heng as their logo.
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