As far as I know my grand parents' generation that most of the old-time HK fishermen don't like catching sharks. Even after they catch the sharks, most of them would consume the other parts of the bodies, like boiling soup with the cartilage and even eating the meat or making fish ball with other fish meat. Anyway, originally I was to buy a chicken body (without wings and thighs) for my photo shooting test with my wireless flash. I supposed to take a photo with a wireless flash on the back to show the transparent chicken back bone with thin meat - like x-ray. Unfortunately when I am in the mode of cooking, I would immediately put all the freshly cut/rinsed well ingredients right in the boiling water. So the chicken was then put in the boiling water after cut and rinsed.
1. First boil the cartilage with some ginger and yellow wine for 1 minute and let it stay in the water. 2. Chicken and the pork. 3. Carrot. 4. soaked well mushrooms. 5. Dried tangerine peel and golden ham. 6. 黃(奇)白合蜜棗. No need to put much. Boil it for 2-3 hours. No need to put any salt as the golden ham brings some salty taste in it.