When in places where it drops to minus degree, I often highly recommend to go to any convenience store nearby to get an ice cream bar. Here in Hokkaido, I could find Royce ice cream bar (also Godiva but on mochi. Will try to get it and report later.). So the melting embarrassing situation would be solved in minus degree condition. In fact, it's even colder than the freezer. So I can really "slowly" enjoy this nice ice cream. I recall that time when I first found that out in Vancouver with my best friend. He thought I was crazy but then knew what I mean.

What a clever idea of getting ice cream in ice cold weather.
It is like "having poison to fight poison".
At first, I tried to put the ice cream bar standing up in the snow, but my grand ma wouldn't let me do that since it's like burning the red candle and jostle sticks for spirits to eat. :)
Your grandma was right.
Also don't let the chopstick stand up in your rice bowl for the same reason.
so this is from expensive Jap chocolate Royce .. was it good? too sweet?
The strange thing of my grand ma is that I seldom heard her saying "大吉利是" though she spoke so many rough words. Maybe these few words is too mild for her. When I was a kid, I really don't like the way she spoke so rude. Later on, as I heard of what my aunts told me what they went thru' during the war time. I knew anyone could be trained to be tough if they could still have survived.
TC, yes, this is the expensive Jap. chocolate Royce. It's however not that expensive at JPY260 (US$3.2), as compared to Hagen Daz at JPY285. Strange that it's not that sweet as I expected. It's very smooth and also very melty.
Haagen-Dazs ice cream bar like the one shown here is only $2 US per stick in LA. And lots of times with coupon at Vons or Costo(Price Club) only $1 US per stick. But of course we cannot but one stick. We have to buy one box of 6 or 10 or 12.
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