I forgot the text which I learned in the school. It's about a place where the people don't need to lock the doors when they sleep, since everyone trusts the others.
-In the dinner in the Lake Toya hotel, people left their belongings on the table. They just turned over a paper card to show the table is occupied, then turned over that card to show "not occupied". So everyone is behaving well in this self-discipline order.
-I saw people in coffee shops, leaving their notebook and cell. phone on the table for the rest room.
-Finally I saw shops closing like the below. I am not sure if there is any advanced ultra-red light beam anti-theft system (for photo 2). However, based on the general things I saw simply on the above 2 points, people are behaving like what the movie "Spirited Away" (千與千尋) wanna tell the people.

Would be nice if everywhere is like this.
When I brought a NY business client to take subway for a meeting in HK, he was frightened "are you serious - subway? Ain't it safe?". He was surprised to see clean car, platform and people lining up. I think Sapporo is even more. They advise people not to talk on cell. phone or be quiet in public transportation which I 100% agree to.
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