OK, a nice gift from USA. Look at the word "awesome". Yes, it's awesome. The packing and the bar inside. The packing is really 50's. It tastes really good - the selected nut, the nougat (though personally I don't like) and the chocolate coating. Not sure if we can find it in the See's candy shop in HK. If you do find it, get one bar to entertain your taste buds...
I almost wanted to try this bar after seeing your comment and nice pictures here. But then you said "evil" on your email. So do you like it or you don't?
You know what? I think about 2 seconds did I buy this for you or Maria when I read your email. And luckily I am not the one.
However, after reading this, instead of getting the candy, I got one pint of dark chocolate Haggen Dazs ice cream for tonight. :)
Evil - means I can't resist to take it after a small bite. I cut the bar in 10 tiny pieces. I think you should try one bar but not taking it all at once. Take it with the others.
OK, if this is that good I have to buy for Maria next time. But please don't tell her yet. I have to try it first and see if she will like it(as I was told she likes sweeter candy but not those bitter chocolate that I like).
Mmmh... then I need to take my comments back. When someone looks at the word "dark" chocolate, they will be scared away and have some prejudice. For me, I don't like nugart. However, I am just curious to see how it tastes, and that's how I can tell the coating is not that "dark" chocolate. BTW, I tried some dark chocolate bar by Movenpick (72%) and it tastes pretty good. Personally I don't like Movenpick Ice Cream, but I am still be curious to give it a try for their chocolate. So no pain no gain. See if you can find it in the States.
You are quite open minded in terms of food and chocolate. In fact, you are open minded in general.
OK, Movenpick chocolate, I will look for it. Is this made in US?
I like to try all the dark chocolate. I like the bitter bitter dark ones. No white chocolate for me.
Is Maria opposite of me?
Mmmh, if you don't want me tell her, you shouldn't write it here.... how can I not tell her when she can read this blog easily? BTW, I think this See's bar was bought by you for her...
Movenpick is from Switzerland. Their ice cream is a bit too creamy to me.
Oops. I forgot this is a open forum. Yes, I should not have mentioned the comment about "please not to tell Maria"so please delete this.
I went to See's Candy shop 3 times before the April trip(1st time for my dad's Shanghai relatives, 2nd time for Maria and my friends, 3rd time to add some Easter candy for Maria). So I already forgot what did I buy and what did I not. The only thing I remember is that I had some Easter candy for Maria(as Michael said Maria likes cute stuff).
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