The area under the fly over of Canal Road 堅拿道 (or commonly known as Gooseneck bridge 鵝頸橋) was very dark and somehow dark enough for some discreet business. It has been for long a place where someone were commissioned to hit some hated persons. Originally this behaviour is to prevent oneself from not being infected from the virus getting active out of the Spring break - 驚螯 (active waking up of the worms and virus...etc.). Later on, this prevention from being sick evolved to be prevention from being attacked. Furthermore, being attacked has turned into attacking, or later on as something radical as black magic.
The business once almost faded but things often run in cycles. It comes back and even with more public and Government's attention. There it goes a new face for this place with all the colorful Chinese ancient 24 seasonal climatic indications such as "Little Snow" on the left pillar. I would somehow prefer this way for people to go back and look into these ancient Chinese climate indications. Slowly we should turn back this "hit the little men" into "Take care of myself first. Naturally I will live safe and sound. No need to be worried if I would be attacked or not.". wishful thinking.

I can see that it's an harmless outlet instead of taking matter in your own hands.
If it's just a big crying out loud, it's ok, like yelling out in a concert.
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