1. See me sitting on the floor with ? Also see how I use an electric fan with cream metallic color to bounce the flash (1/4). Also, you would see the omega shape of my door way. Noticed some interesting color trace from the fan's upper corner.
2. My mini flying cat (about 2.5cm high).

The image is a bit too small to tell in details. I could see you sitting on the floor, the arch of the doorway. I wouldn't know it's a fan if you didn't describe it. :)
I need to re-take it as I found out I used the small size photo taking, it was a bit too late. :) My attention is at the stuff at home for flash bouncing. I even made my bathrobe as a small hill to bounce, of course, my cooking wok, packing foam board... My living room is like a homeless place with so many things in mess after those trying. In the end, I just need one umbrella. However, it's fun to use other things.
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