Lately Pixmation and I have been getting some little toys with our cameras. It turned out there are lots of things we can explore on photography. Both of us have done some little experiment in our apt., by cutting a white paper board to make a reflecting tool to divert the flash light to get more lighting effect. Then we also got some diffuser to try. So later on I got more color diffuser to test on. The below left one is without diffuser. The right one is with diffuser. So the color is more even and it's like what I see. The bottom photo shows how it works. BTW, I just bought a Canon 50mm F1.4 lens. Very good and it's almost twice better than the 50mm F1.8. One penny one product. At last, I would like to speak loud on Pixmation's creative ideas on this recent photo taking at Now that I found his graphic design and his years of creative experience are applying on his photos. Really thousand pages shortened into one page. Again it told the difference of professional studying (pixmation) and lazy studying (me). 有讀書同無讀書的分別 :) Time for me to read the manual of 550D and some photography books given by my friend and now staying in dust.

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