Bought this new lens Canon 50mm F1.4 and all the below were taken to the maximum value with various shuttle speed. Since it's without IS, gotta be pretty firm still. The last 2 was placed on a metallic hand rail. It came out with some interesting lighting reflection.

The leans has a dreamy BOKEH. It is still sharp despite being fully blown open at f1.4? Very nice.
Yes, it's set to F1.4 and shutter speed at about 1/60 and ISO at 300. I chose the closet limit of the lens of focal length 0.45m and it was taken on the bus in motion. So the farther the object got bouncy and the more blurry it got. The 2nd one was taken when the bus was still; so it's less blurry. Besides, I set the focal length to the middle part of the bus.
Strange, my last comment disappear... Anyway, the perfect circle bokeh are so nice! Also the color and the contrast.
Thanks. I also met this situation of losing the past comment. Besides, my email was also lost. We need to register our email like sending registered air mail, later on.
Very creative idea SEA.
Let us think of a way to ensure reliable email delivery through registered or certified or Express email..
This can be a profitable business in future.
Yes, in some profession, like legal. They do need such "record" services.
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