Riding on a bicycle is good to check around the resort's area. Hua Thanon is where X2 is located.

3. the road sign for the entrance of X2. 4. 1.5km south or X2 is Centara Villas Samui but it's up on a hill. Due to my bike isn't with any gear, I gave up on riding up to check it.

5. This photo is one of the few photos I took at the beach. The dreamy palm trees weren't on a photo shop fixing. It's from the fog inside my FT1 camera. Why I didn't take many photos of the beach because there are many active tiny insects that I needed to leave asap. Dengue fever is quite popular in southern Thailand. So better be careful. 6. A family pool villa on the beach.

I did not have chance to ride a bike for a long time.
I am tell this is a nice and relaxing vacation.
Yes, it is and you can just stay in the resort without going to anywhere else. Quite a lot of families were there and they brought the kids too. Some brought a inflatable floating boat. :)
Centara here reminds me of the Central World.
Biking is a very good exercise.
This was one of my favorite exercise in my school day.
We used to crash each other on the bike and it was fun.
Crashing each other on the bike? Did any of you get hurt?
No hurting at all. This is just a kid's bike game with our neighbors, whoever made his rival get down from the bike wins.
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