The One (was Tung Ying Mansion), a new shopping and restaurants complex stands on the northern TST. That really makes TST much busier. You wouldn't have any problem finding your choices.

1/2. Somehow we have to thank for the Kowloon Park being preserved as it is. You will see it's now surrounded by all these sky crappers.

3. The sauce and the citrus salad dressing and sesame soy sauce dressing. 4. OK, ready for some sesame sauce mix.

5. A seafood set and salmon sashimi set HK$98. The cutlet was done perfect. Very dry and crispy but tender juicy inside. The frying oil is selected giving the whole cutlet very light but crunchy texture. HK$98 is a very bargain deal. Suggest going there in the day time for this kind of lunch special. One order of cutlet is about HK$150 to 300 and even 500 for the famous Japanese black pork 黑豚肉. 6. Somehow I feel like sushi rice and this one is pretty nice. The wasabi is a fresh ground one.

7. potato salad. Pretty good. 8. Miso soup. Very miso and it's in a fish stock.

9. a mini order for a small pork loin (you see how small it is, when compared to the tomato slice). HK$48 for this tiny bite is much worth it. 10. the shop entrance is on the 4th floor, but this mall has UG1 and UG2 and each floor has almost 2-3 storey high as compared to the others. So 4th floor is already over 10th floor.

wow really panorama view, hv both harbor and park view, best in TST
r u pretty fast sampling new restaurant, i just c this review in the recent East Weekly, so Sea is now as fast as the eat/drink journalist
a new hangout chic eat drink drunk building
I think SEA is better than those eat/drink journalist in terms of the fast reporting, the quality reporting(SEA is usually very detailed with good taste), and the genuine and impartial reporting (without being bribed by the restaurant owner).
I still remember Tung Ying Mansion. There was a picture of the owner there.
Thanks for the comments. There are of course some bias but the bias is on personal preference, not on any monetary causes. I am thankful I have some business friends whom are willing to try new things and explore. So we often exchange some info. Right now some of them know I have a habit of taking photos. Certainly they welcome me to do so.
Yes, it is ok that each of us has different taste and therefore different opinion on the same food.
This is impartial as we base on our true feeling with no bias for money/benefit intention.
The ambiance of this place is really good. Is that a mosque I see in the park? KL's Japanese food are not so good.
Yes, Android, that's the mosque and the most historical and well respected one in Tsimshatsui.
"The One" sounds like the pledge from Mr. Lau to Miss Michelle Lee.
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