That night my father opened his bag and brought 2 night owls up in front of our eyes... I wasn't surprised at all because these might be the 100th guest in our home. However, we called the one in the photo as Mimi. Funny is that Wang Mao (who died 2 months ago, back then he was 2-3 years old) often acted like an escort. No matter what we are going to take photos, he will be around. Bao Mao is not camera friendly at all, as compared to Wang Mao. Besides, Wang Mao is like a lion. He also acted like a nanny to take care of the younger kitties. I lost a photo that showed him to be a nanny to pretend to feed milk (but he is he) to the kitties. After the kitties knew that they ain't get any milk and left, we saw Wang Mao tummy was all red.
The last photo is the last dog we had. I liked him a lot and we called him "Black junior". However, cats don't like dog and I just don't know why my father still keeps him. After a week of being discriminated, we had to give him up.
When I was kid, I saw, ducks, chicken, hampsters, parrot, lots of different types of birds, fish (even piranha), snail, rabbit, quail, lots of cats and dogs, 穿山甲 (pangolin), various kinds of snake, mice....etc. I may have forgotten some of them. It's like I am watching National Geographic but this time is close encounter.
night owl brought to ur home, very interesting
Night owl? I am one :)
Wow, you are so lucky to have so many close encounter with live creatures. Chris was just peeping at the blog behind me and asked is the night owl real(live)? I told him I think so. Then he asked what food the owl eats? Then I said night snack like his. In fact, I told him I have to check with you. This blog is really educational. Where did your father get the night owl?
Another Night owl in LA
As far as I remember, we feed some fruit to Mimi (the Night Owl), occasionally with some bread and Wang Bao's meal (fish with rice). Some of my friends told us it's impossible to keep a night owl at home because they are wild life. I think Mimi has been with us for almost a year. She died (I'm not if it's he or she) probably from getting virus from other pets. Like I told you, we had hampster, rabbit and quail... I really miss Mimi a lot because she is very tame and friendly. She could hear us call her "when we called "Mimi, Mimi", then she would jump out (actually slowly walking) to see us. Mmmh... I think my father got it from somewhere across the border of Shen Zhen and Hong Kong. He was a captain for the boat (towing the big ship into HK harbour). He just brought home whatever he thought interesting. I remember he used to fish outside our old apartment in Sai Wan Ho (at that time the eastern corridor wasn't built - outside our house, it "was" a clean Victoria harbour. He brought some live big fishes (seabass, garoupa, various types of snappers...etc.) and put them into the bath tub for keeping them. Those were bigger than me (I was 4-5, yes to a kid, these things are so impressive that I can still remember). So we also had an aquarium back then.
My father was such a "nature" guy. He brought us to the mountain side of Shaukiwan and told us what wild fruit to eat, and what plant can be cooked for soup or healing soup.
The other pet I was impressed was the big grey rabbit I had. Yes, I fed him so much that he grew like a big cat! Too bad I didn't keep most of those photos.
Then my grand mom used to bring various types of snakes for soaking them in rice wine. In fact, there were even some animal I hadn't seen before. I remember that time I opened the cover of a big container under my grand mom's bed, there came a dancing snake and I was stunned. Well I should have had a Indian pipe to make him dance further...haha! Mmh.. my grand mom is also a great lady. She is very tough though quite harsh on me. If she isn't tough enough, then I wouldn't be here. My aunt told me my Grand Mom went to Japanese military food stock place in Stanley for stealing rice. Her kids (my father and aunts) didn't eat for 3 days during the Japanese occupation of HK.
What a interesting story about your father and grandmom. Your childhood experience(went to the mountain to try wild fruit and plant......) is like Dai Chong Kam experience. You shall thank them for giving you all those precious experience and all those "unique" pets.
We only have rabbits, turtle, cat, and hamsters.
LA Night Owl
Yes, I should thank them for such experiences, and that was before the eastern part of HK island got developed.
Wow, finally I can see the night owl you told me that your home is like a zoo. Unbelievable you have those animals.
This night owl looks cute although it looks under nutrition and skinny(Stella's cousin).
Of course I will not reveal who I am otherwise I am a deadmeat.
Stella, I mean you are related to the "cute" part but not the under nutrition part.
LA Night Owl's best friend
Mimi, the night owl, came to our house like an infant baby. She walked and moved in extra slow motion. When we tickled her chins, she felt very happy.
Humm, I do agree that this cute night owl really looks like our under-weight friend(with big head and skinny body).
And I do look like that over weight dog. And Cindy you do look like that cat.
Now we are even.
LA Dog
Anonymous 2:42, what a descriptive picture you have had with all of your friends. So cute of all of you. BTW, the Mimi's head is all just feather making her head look big. :)
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