Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Amazing bread

What do you think of this bread on the front? When I noticed that, why not for a try? Hint: the one at the back is a wheat bread; so it's not a wheat bread. It's made from a kind of seafood.


Anonymous said...

I guess this is dried shrimp bread.
How come not so many comments in the post lately.
Did other readers encounter the comment porblem I had too?


in the sea said...

There are so many things keeping people busy on the internet. Now that people are more into playing phone apps than browsing internet.
This is a bread made of squid ink. Quite surprisingly good.

Stella said...

Old squid ink, our favorite.
We like the black ink pasta so much.

in the sea said...

I like that too. My father told me it is good to rinse our body's bad elements.

Stella said...

Thanks to your father SEA.
Now I have reason to get more black ink pasta.