This restaurant took over the Japanese sushi restaurant opposite to Island East and a neighbour to Miso Cool. When this restaurant was opened and their restaurant's name and the shop's deco really caught everyone's attention.
So good or bad, I had to try it. Turned out the food is so so, but if they charge at this price level with such a lousy deco., it's not worth it. Their menu served noodle soup, curry on rice and Hainanese chicken rice. No other common stir-fried dishes, not even to mention some typical local food.
1. See how much they are so generous to give 4 middle part of the chicken wings but charge HK$48!
2. Lunch set until 6pm. 5:59pm for lunch. Interesting.
3. the shop inside.
4. Curry beef brisket HK$50. It took them 20 min. to get this one served, but all these should be cooked and ready to serve at any time. Most of all, it's warm, not hot enough.
5. Fish ball noodle HK$28. It took them 25 min. to cook this one and again it's warm. The fish ball isn't bad but if it's warm, then it's quite unpleasant.
6. OK. ladies and gentlemen, time to go home. Thank you.

A strange name. Color strange too. I don't think they can continue in this area because they charge so high.
Yes I can pass this one too.
Thanks and no thanks.
Anonymous, hard to say now as its neighbour Miso Cool has survived over a year already. 物以累贅 (birds of a feather flock together). 差都可以比拼一下 (Competition can be on the worst count.). :)
絕非講笑 ﹣ 連隔離間KFC都好難食,仲有間收人$78用微波爐丁食物既EPOCH,一街四傑。絕! 都要記得同佢哋照將全家褔。
I enjoy your Chinese writing a lot.
Cool and fun.
Thank you for the posts of the lousy food. Make me happy in another way. Ha Ha Ha.
In fact, good out of the bad, if there is no such lousy food, I wouldn't get stimulated to write. So I need to thank them for the enlightenment.
In fact, good out of the bad, if there is no such lousy food, I wouldn't get stimulated to write. So I need to thank them for the enlightenment.
In fact, good out of the bad, if there is no such lousy food, I wouldn't get stimulated to write. So I need to thank them for the enlightenment.
We need to thank you for the enlightenment as well.
Just want to try it out. I can give it up now, thanks.
Anonymous, you are welcome. It's my personal view. Maybe you can give it a try. I sometimes re-visit some lousy restaurants and see if they improve.
話說昨天端午節假期,到附近新開張的貴價茶餐廳嘆早餐。等待食物期間發現 menu 內推介的食物相片十分熟識,再看清楚其他細節,例如器皿及煲墊,十分肯定相片是我的 ! 於是我即時拍下照片作為証據,結賬步出餐廳後,更發現相片已被放大並張貼於玻璃外牆作為招徠之用。
我有理由相信餐廳內其他食物的相片大部份亦是盜取的,因為所有食物相片的風格十分不一樣。對於此餐廳的私自盜用他人相片作為商業用途的行為我十分之不滿,我希望香港會有機構可以接受我的投訴/舉報。因為這種網上盜竊罪行是要不得的,更何況將盜取回來的物件竟然用作商業用途 !!!!!!!
Hi Roboman, which restaurant is it? This one or another one? Maybe you can take action on it, because your photo has a recorded date.
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