It's the season for Shanghai crab again. Clippers Lounge has a Shanghai theme for its buffet, at HK$408+ with wide variety of seafood. This time the food quality is further improved. Very fresh sashimi, live oysters and superb prime rib as well as the hot dishes. The dessert is awesome and as claimed by my friends too. Note that with an extra of HK$120, free flow of selected red or white wine, good for the wine lover.

omg, i miss Clippers Lounge
Sorry can't bring this buffet... :(
u c the roast, this is called (real) prime rib, the one in LJ is just piece of cheap meat .. shame of MO-BKK f&b, since uncle Kurt (Wachtveitl)left, everything in MO-BKK changed, both the service standard and food quality in its restaurant outlets ..
$60US for this good buffet is worth it for big eaters.
The Shanghai crab looks big.
Cannot expect too much from BKK-MO due to its limitation on good beef and prime rib. MO-BKK is good enough.
I tried Verandah twice today. Yes, twice within 4 hours. So good! Now we can have a substitute for MO BKK. They have some very nice iced mocha, chef salad...etc. To be reported later.
Eat two times at Verandah in 4 hours huh. Lucky you.
My friend said BKK is a lot better than Vietnam as she went to Vietnam recently and very impressed. But when I told her to view our 3 blogs then she said BKK is for sure for more better.
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