1. MO put this sandbag wall to protect their Chinese restaurant China House.
2. Don't let it mislead you. It's not from the flooding the news talked about. At this section of the soi (side street) to MO, when the river tide is high, there will be some water coming out like this. In general, this area is often with some slight flooding. If some foreign reports don't know how it comes from, they would apparently put it as the headline "MO in blood" these days.
3/4. Silom road getting prepared.
5-8. Bottled water is gone, food too and even dried squid. Tourists like us should not get any. Should leave them for the locals as this would be a long time fight for them at least a month.

OMG, so the influence of heavy rain and flood still at work.
All my snack and sea weed are gone from the shelf. Good that this did not happen in Sept. Otherwise I cannot buy the 100 bags of "Siu Low Ban"(Little Boss) seaweed.
There is a shop of Little Boss in Terminal 21. You gotta be here soon. Terminal 21 is so much of fun!
Oh Terminal 21? I missed that.
Where is it?
At SUV Airport?
It's in Asoke.
Thank you Sea for the note.
So it is the same area at TC's recent post of the Thai chicken place.
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