Cafe Muse, another Maxim's mid-priced restaurant at HK Cultural Center Tsimshatsui, started to serve lunch/dinner buffets at a lower price (HK$98/168+ respectively). In general, at this price, we can't ask for some delicate food but quality and taste are at average at Maxim's standard quality.

1. Somewhat surprised at the drunken chicken and the Shanghai jello pork. I naturally related these 2 to their sister Chinese restaurant (my favourite too) - Serenade 映月樓 just on the 2nd floor above Muse. 2. Watercress soup also quite nice.

3. the roast beef is a high quality prime rib but cooked in a wrong way like the Place (Langham Place Hotel) did - roasting at high heat (outside overcooked but inside undone). The other hot food are at average. Another round for cold food - more chicken.

5. Red bean sweet - this one is quite nostalgic as they use peanuts in it. This one is quite nice. 6. the cakes are at average.

7. there is a nice water way next to Muse and it's nice to take a window seat. 8. the dessert table.

9. table for the cold food. 10. noodle station and prime rib too.

well with this price the offer actually was decent :)
BTW, if you have the AE platinum card, you can have a 1 with 1 free, 50% discount. So it turned out it's just $100 for one person. :)
Good price after the 50% AE discount. No wonder HK is the paradise of eating.
There are so many good restaurants with different price levels so everyone can enjoy good food to his affordable level.
It is funny that HK people like to eat but they are so slim. Whereas US people always diet diet exercise exercise and yet they still look so "prosperous".
It's a matter of portion of food taking. I heard from my friend who visits the parents-in-law. When at that time blue berry is good for this or that, then they would eat 1kg for one person. So they call it a diet. Considering the sugar from the fruits, how can it be a "diet" meal. Besides, we walk almost at least half an hour a day for going on public transport. However, people in certain cities are so used to driving, even going across the street, people can't avoid driving.
You are so right SEA. It is the portion of food that make a difference.
Yes, US people would consider himself dieting with 1 kg of blueberry. Just like Chris considers himself dieting with 2 bowls of rice per meal(instead of 3 bowls).
So pls tell Chris to go Thai... eating half portion as the HK szie... Then double size of Thai portion is a normal portion of HK... :)
So you mean Thai portion is only 1/2 of HK portion? Or the other way around?
To Anonymous 12:21pm, yes, e.g. a Thai fried rice is 1/2 size of the HK size. However, it's good for us to get 2 different dishes.
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